With the ACCELERATOR you get INSTANT access to:
  • Our 12-Week Speed Training Program guiding you through every step of the speed building process we can ensure your team will get faster in just 90 days. The system is comprehensive and covers all the key areas necessary to make you faster: Strength Training, Speed Training, Performance Nutrition, and Technique. 
  • Our "Nutrition Made Easy" Eating Plan you'll learn what to eat and avoid, when to eat and drink and how to supplement safely. This plan takes the guesswork out of mealtime. Follow it and you'll ensure your team's efforts in the gym pay off.
  • Our "ACCELERATOR" HD Video Library  more than 50 Speed Specific exercises are used through the 12-week strength and speed workout routines. We have a video demonstrating every one of them to ensure you know exactly how to perform the exercise with proper form.
  • Our Game Ready Warm-up to make sure your primed any ready for any competition or workout..

Der'rick Thompson, Division-1 WR 
(4.37 40 time)

"If you follow the blueprint that ONEighty Athletics has laid out, you most definitely will increase your speed, footwork, and become Stronger in the weight room! This will lead to a huge transformation on the field...

Michael Courtney, USA Indoor 400m National Champion

ONEighty has played an intricate role in the development of my power and speed. The program written for me has helped me go from a good Southland Conference athlete to one of the top 400m sprinters in the world. Their knowledge of power and speed development is second to none. 
Improve Your Teams Speed IN JUST 30 DAYS!
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Get the Accelerator today and start crushing  your 40-yard dash time.  Get the same speed enhancing techniques and programs we deliver to our All-Star and All-Pro athletes everyday!  Don't hesitate and accelerating your game NOW!

ONEighty Athletics, LLC © 2025 | (872) 228-1982 | customerservice@oneightyathletics.com | 123 Rutledge St., Starkville, MS 39759 
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