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Implement A Complete Speed-Training System Aimed At Developing SPEED, POWER, AGILITY, REACTIVITY, CONDITIONING , and RECOVERY 
five-days-a-week for 12 Weeks. 

How many of us have those Slow, Stiff, "ATHLETES" that can't bend or change direction?

What about those athletes who are fast or quick in practice but come game time they look slow or seem to always hesitate.

Developing True “Sport Speed” requires a lot more than just linear speed and lateral quickness.

You have to be able to think and execute on the fly with an elevated heart rate to thrive with the game on the line.

The athletic demands of sport is evolving - shouldn't training measures and protocols reflect the same? 

Which is why we created our GAME SPEED TRAINING SYSTEM.

Our GAME SPEED SYSTEM is our most inclusive speed and conditioning system we’ve put together yet!  But it’s so much more than just another speed and conditioning program.  

It’s decades of trial an error.

It’s countless books overflowing knowledge.

It’s weeks of sleepless nights wondering how to get our athletes better.  

It’s a six-pronged approach that we’ve put together that makes up what we feel like encompasses elite and true game speed. 

We’ve seen the highest level of sport.  The best athletes have SIX key physical attributes in common.

All of which we packed into this system.


Speed is the great equalizer in sports!  If you're faster than your opponent, you will generally have the upperhand.  It's the single most lethal form of athleticism an athlete can have in today!


Agility is not only about being able cut on a dime.  It's all about being able to stick your foot in the ground, rapidly decelerate, change your COG, and reaccelerate as fast as possible.


The ability to react quickly to a stimulus is incredibly important to any athlete.  Improved reaction time can the difference in a pass breakup, a stolen ball, and a homerun. 


Our muscles have a complex system called the Stretch Shortening Cycle.  This phenomenon, when trained correctly, can produce enormous amounts of force, causing exponential levels of speed and power.


Having the ability to run a fast 40 is an asset.  Having the ability to repeat that time , over and over, without getting tired and slowing down is what TRUE conditioning is all about!  It's called, RSA, or Repeat Sprintability.  Haul a**, recover, repeat!


Recovery may be one of the most underutilized training methods today!  You cannot get better without recovery.  PERIOD. In this program we show you how to maximize your recovery training using our exclusive HPRT methods.
Researching and laying out these 6 most important physical attributes to true GAME SPEED we were able to focus all of our knowledge, effort, and time on creating the most extensive and comprehensive system yet.  

We start by walking you through every aspect of our training.  

We start with logistics for large group or small group training.  

We provide detailed warm ups and movement prep exercises.  

From there we take you through our cognitive enhancers, speed training and technique, along with our lateral movement series and agilities.

We also provide 2 complete days of recovery training that target not only some low level heart rate recovery and blood flow, but also make sure we’re hitting, not only our Type 1 fibers, but also our high threshold muscle fibers as well.

Every exercise is delivered via video and described and shown in exceptional detail.  

No stone was left unturned in this program.  

It really is a complete GAME SPEED SYSTEM!

Our GAME SPEED SYSTEM provides coaches and athletes the requisite attributes to be incredibly successful. Attacking the program everyday is what will take ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE to the next level. 

Getting better is a choice. Getting better is intentional. Getting better may not be for everyone…. Is it for you?

Get our GAME SPEED SYSTEM today and find out if you’re ready to take the next step in dominating your sport speed!
Move Quicker, Jump Higher, Run Faster

Boost Speed and Power

Progressive Plyometrics

Increase your jumping power by using our 4-level plyometric progression

Shock Method Plyo's

Make your muscles more elastic using advanced measures of force absorption and production


Maximize mechanics of body lean and shin angles to get that first step quickness


Learn the proper mechanics of TRUE sport speed

Top End Speed

Break away speed is a game changer! Find out how inside!

Increase Lateral Agility And quickness

Cognitive Conditioning

Learn to process cognitive functions and react quicker to literally be a step ahead.

Force Development

Applying force to the ground is key in agility. Replace 
your 4 cylinder with a V10 Turbo!

Force Absorption

All big engines require big brakes! This is the REAL key 
to true agility!

First Step Explosiveness

Get off the line in a hurry with fast twitch explosiveness

Improve Conditioning and Recovery

Train the proper energy system

Vertically integrating all energy systems is a must, but focusing on the correct one will boost your cardio capacity through the roof!

Repeat Sprintability

Have the ability to repeat max effort speed with minimal recovery between, without slowing down!

Decreased Recovery Time

Improving conditioning will decrease recovery time between plays and allow for max effort on subsequent plays

Decrease Risk of Injury

Many athletes get hurt when they're fatigued... minimize the risk with programmed conditioning and stay healthy throughout the season

Resist fatigue

Who wants it more late in the game or match? Resist fatigue and finish STRONG!


Josh Carico, Head Football Coach
Harrisonburg High School, VA
"The workouts and the detail you put into ONEighty workouts have made the first 3 weeks back to training seamless.  The kids love the program.  I can't thank you guys enough!" 
Halee Heltsly, Women's Soccer Coach
Louisville Male High School, KY
"The Game Speed System was vital in getting my team back in peak physical fitness, just in time for our season.  Once we hit camp and all of my athletes were in shape, fast, and most importantly, healthy!"
Robert Stiner, Head Football Strength Coach, USC

"Coach Cano & Coach Neal are definitely cutting edge strength coaches with a lot of energy and a lot of passion. After reviewing the game speed system, I would endorse and recommend this program to anyone looking to gain an edge in sports. 

CREATED BY D-1 Sports Performance Coaches
The GAME SPEED SYSTEM is more than just a workout — it's a system backed by scientific research and molded over years of trial and error on thousands of athletes.  

By guiding you through every step of the ATHLETIC DEVELOPMENT process we can ensure your team will get faster, quicker, more powerful, and in peak physical shape. This system is comprehensive and covers all the key areas necessary to make you faster: Progressive Drills and Plyometrics, Technical Training, Resisted Running, Acceleration and Max Speed Training, Recovery, and much much more!

When you order our GAME SPEED SYSTEM today you'll gain instant access to:

($299.97 VALUE)

This program has been designed from years of experience training athletes ranging from Olympic sprinters, 1st round draft picks, to high school athletes looking to gain an edge. We have developed a mix of basic drills with advanced drills we use for our All-Americans and professional athletes solely for you.  

The GAME SPEED System is a complete speed-training program aimed at developing speed, power, agility, reactivity, conditioning, and recovery five-days-a-week for 12 weeks. These workouts will focus on the main components of developing intent behind training to mimic true game speed including acceleration, lateral quickness, cognitive awareness, repeat sprintability... plus much more.

By following our GAME SPEED program, you can stop guessing what drills to do and start achieving maximum results with the limited time and access you have with your athletes.

You'll also get access to our exclusive GAME SPEED membership site & HD Video Library ($249.97 Value)
Our brand new Game Speed Members account site will grant you access to all the information at your finger tips!  Not only will you  receive a downloadable program, but this allows you to carry the Game Speed program with you everywhere you go!  This interactive feature houses all of our "how to" videos, walks you through the daily programs, and allows you direct access to our ONEighty Athletics team to help answer any questions you may have through the journey to your ultimate Game Speed!
Our GAME SPEED HD Video Library 
Our 12-week GAME SPEED program includes over 250 speed specific exercises and drills. We have videos to model each exercise to ensure you can see and utilize correct form and technique.

We know that proper technique prevents injury, but it also guarantees that the athlete works the proper muscles correctly and sequentially to garner all the benefits of that specific exercise. Each exercise listed in the daily workout routines is linked to its demonstration video so you can quickly and easily learn the proper form on the fly, but more importantly SEE how the drill is supposed to be performed correctly.
Each element of The GAME SPEED SYSTEM is built upon each other to ensure success. The progression from week to week will ensure you're developing the speed, power, quickness and conditioning necessary to produce more game-like speed from one workout to the next. This system will get every ounce of effort out of your athletes and will produce the fastest results you've seen in your offseason training program.  The GAME SPEED SYSTEM will not only develop faster, more resilient athletes, but it will have a rapid and direct correlation to changing your teams overall game speed where it counts... 
($99.97 VALUE)
Take your training to the NEXT level with our 12-week Med Ball Program! Training with MB's is extremely beneficial for athletes of all ages. You can improve your overall athletic development by incorporating these simple yet effective exercises into your training twice a week to increase your body’s coordination, strength and explosive power, and speed. Training with MB's also provides versatile training options, which keep the body consistently adapting to new stresses while minimizing risk of injury. MB training can be easily implemented in a team setting due to its short learning curve and minimal equipment demand, all you need is a med-ball!
($69.97 VALUE)
There's no point training if you don't have the energy to get through the workouts or the right fuel to recover from them. That's why we layout a IN-Season, OFF-Season, and PRE-Season performance eating plan.

You'll be able to educate your athletes on what to eat and what not to, nutrient timing, dehydration needs, weight loss and weight gain demands, and how to do so without needing supplements. This plan takes the worry out of fueling the body and primes it for performance and recovery. Follow it and you'll ensure your efforts training pay off.
($29.97 VALUE)
A comprehensive guide to our top recommendations of the most popular products and brands based on effectiveness, quality, and price!

How many times have we been asked the question... 
"Coach, what about CREATINE? When should I take it? How often? 
Finally have a guide to lead your athletes in the right direction.

Food will supply nutrients to meet most of your nutritional needs; however, supplements fill in the gaps not met and assist athletes in optimizing performance. 
We released the GAME SPEED SYSTEM to a few coaches and sports parents to make sure the program is dialed in and produces amazing results. 
Below is some AWESOME feedback!

Greg Harris, Head Coach, Women's Soccer Harding University

Workouts are going Awesome! Kids really like the workouts and so do I! Coach we have done a lot of these speed drills and plyometrics but the organization and grouping you have set up has been great! The video teaching has done wonders for our girls!
In Summary Here's Everything That's Included
What Are You Waiting For?
We've packed over $700 of training, nutrition, and performance knowledge into the GAME SPEED TRAINING SYSTEM. Because we want every athlete to reach his or her athletic potential we normally offer this program for $299.97

However, since we're trying to build the world's largest coaching community, 
 we need to fill it with as many like-minded coaches as possible. 

Which is why we are offering a special “introductory discount”
 for a very limited time only.

So, today you can pick up this entire program with all the bonuses, continuous coaching and nothing left out for only 
Yup, that’s not a mistake!

You've probably seen this product advertised on Facebook, Instagram, or via email. 
TODAY ONLY, we are selling our Speed System for 49.97.

That’s a discount of a full $250 just to get more members and help build our speed community - strength in numbers.
Think about it..
What is five-days-a-week for 12 weeks of high -performance training worth to you?
For 88¢ a day you can have complete access to me and our team.
But Only If You Get On
This Right Now!
In fact, if you come back to this page in 20 minutes, tomorrow, or in a week, we might be back to the regular of $299.97.
We simply cannot afford to keep the price this low for long, especially with the rising advertising fees we face.
So, I recommend you jump in now, otherwise later you’ll be paying an extra $250 for the exact same program.
Just in case you are on the fence, I want you to know you are protected by our...
60 Day “No Hype” Money Back Guarantee

I want you to be as confident as I am, and all of our coaches are. 

But just in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it a no brainer for you.

I completely guarantee your satisfaction.

Let me be more specific. Here’s my 60 day guarantee…

Make your investment today. If at any time during the next 60 days you’re not completely convinced our program is worth the price you paid many times over, I want you to ask for your money back.

I’ll refund your investment right on the spot.

Fair enough?

 P.S. You read this far because you want your team or athlete to get FASTER, jump HIGHER, and move QUICKER right? In this program I am going to show you exactly how I do it day in and day out with the athletes I train. I’ve had young athletes increase their speed, improve their coordination, and lower their body fat composition... how would awesome would that feel if that was your athlete or team? 

Not only that, but they’ll also have more confidence and some serious tools to make some explosive plays on the field or court. 

Give it a try today…there is nothing to lose and a lot to gain…

P.P.S. I can’t tell you enough how excited I am for you…I have dedicated my professional career to taking athletes to the next level…I know it sounds strange but I get an even bigger thrill helping coaches take their teams training to new heights. 


-How do I access the program? Is it sent via mail?

All our material is sent digitally through email. 
We do this for several reasons. One is to keep costs down for our customers. There's no way we could offer all that we did with the training programs if we made DVD's and hard copies for that low of a price. 
Secondly, all of the exercises are linked to their corresponding videos. You can access this on your computer or any of you mobile devices. 
Thirdly, you can easily share these products with your assistants or athletes through email. They can bring the program to any gym, field, or court and see the videos while coaching or training. 

This program also comes with a MEMBERSHIP site. This interactive feature houses all of our "how to" videos, walks you through the daily programs, and allows you direct access to our ONEighty Athletics team
We believe this is truly the best way to deliver as much value as we can at the lowest price possible. 

-Is the program membership for a 12 week period? Is it for a year?

This program is a one time purchase with lifetime access and a 60 day money back guarantee. You will receive a PDF file and Excel file of the GAME SPEED SYSTEM. The Excel file allows you to make any personal adjustments to the program. 

-How is this program different that the 12 week Accelerator Speed Training Program? 

The Accelerator is a 2x a week speed training program completely focused on Linear Speed Development.  The GAME SPEED System is a complete speed-training program aimed at developing speed, power, agility, reactivity, conditioning, and recovery five-days-a-week for 12 weeks. These workouts will focus on the main components of developing intent behind training to mimic true game speed including acceleration, lateral quickness, cognitive awareness, repeat sprintability... plus much more.

-Equipment Needed?

We program resisted runs with sleds and wicket runs with mini hurdles. These drills can easily be modified with a band for resistance and a cone instead of mini hurdles. The Recovery protocols do require access to a gym but most the exercises are bodyweight.  The best part with logistic conflicts is we are here to HELP! Send us a message and we will be happy to assist to your logistics.

-Age Range?

We recommend age 14+. If younger than that please check out our youth athlete program here! 

ONEighty Athletics, LLC © 2022 | (872) 228-1982 | | 745 Independence Blvd, Christiansburg, VA 24073

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